Christmas 2020
I hope you enjoy my Christmas thoughts for this year. Merry Christmas! Bob
I hope you enjoy my Christmas thoughts for this year. Merry Christmas! Bob
It's trendy. It raises a lot of revenue. Many people can't think of a good reason not to do it. This brief conversation will open up a whole new avenue of discussion: legalizing marijuana is a bad idea. Legalizing recreational marijuana has its champions in the lobbying industry. Marijuana Debunked [...]
I'm taking a break from the Gospel of Luke this week to offer my thoughts for this Thanksgiving Day. To develop a positive outlook there is no substitute for developing the habit of gratitude. Have a great day and have some great conversations about your reasons to give thanks this [...]
Several memorable stories and Jesus' encounters with people headline Luke 18. For Discussion: Are you a persistent person? Do you pray regularly? Do you still persist if your prayers aren't answered right away? Why do we assume that only religious people are self-righteous and hypocritical? Have you ever felt [...]
Jesus tells the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, and then he provides us with a list of lessons about temptation, forgiveness, faith, humility, and thanksgiving. If your head isn't spinning enough after all that, he moves into discussing the future, particularly the future state of the Kingdom of [...]
This week we look at Luke 15 and it has a familiar story: The Story of the Lost (Prodigal) Son. The story is really about us. For Discussion: Why were the religious leaders upset with Jesus associating with "sinners"? Was there an underlying theological issue? Talk about a time [...]
While Jesus is dining at the home of a religious leader, he engages the guests in a conversation about the greatest dinner: the Great Banquet celebrating the Kingdom of God. For Discussion: What are the most important things in your life? Family? Friends? Business responsibilities? How can any of [...]
In this week's edition of Conversations on the Gospel of Luke we learn how Jesus overruled the scribes objections to his understanding of Sabbath laws and how he upended a few social and theological assumptions. For Discussion: Is the Sabbath controversy familiar to you? Why is it important today? [...]
In Jesus' parlance Ready, Set, Go means Be Watchful, Be Aware, Adjust. For Discussion: What does Jesus promise to those who are vigilant? Jesus indicts some in his audience for being good at predicting the weather but not being so good at recognizing the significance of his coming. Might [...]
In Luke 12:3-34 Jesus challenges us to look at life through the lens of three unique viewpoints. For Discussion: Do you believe in an afterlife? Have you ever examined the many things that Jesus says about it? Ecclesiastes 4:4 says, "Then I saw that all toil and all skill [...]