God and Churchill: One Man’s Fight to Save Civilization

Those who know me know that I encourage people to read. Informed Christians are more able to defend their faith and deepen their understanding of the times we live in. With that in mind, I recommend God and Churchill. Written by Churchill's great-grandson, Jonathan Sandys, and journalist Wallace Henley, the [...]

A Review of Creed or Chaos

Books I'm Reading “Creed or Chaos” By Dorothy Sayers One article about Dorothy Sayers described her as a “Lady with a Sword.” She was a playwright, author of murder mysteries, poet, and Christian apologist. Her broadcast about the life of Christ, The Man Born to Be King, entered two million [...]

By |2022-09-15T17:01:29+00:00September 15, 2022|Books You Should Read, TLC|0 Comments


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