The Church’s Prophetic Voice: Coffee with Lazarus

(Author's note: if you are new to The Lazarus Chronicles, you will be surprised that I talk with Lazarus [see Gospel of John, chapter 11). Of course this is simply my way of exploring issues through dialogue. This regular feature of the blog is called “Coffee with Lazarus.” I hope [...]

By |2023-09-14T18:18:23+00:00September 14, 2023|Coffee with Lazarus, TLC|0 Comments

Money, Money, Money

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY A “Coffee with Lazarus” Post   “Greed, greed, greed!” “Freedom, freedom, freedom!” Lazarus and I had been going around in circles for some time. He kept pressing home the greed issue. “Isn’t greed a form of idolatry?” He insisted. I knew the Apostle Paul’s warning about it: [...]

By |2020-11-02T02:06:06+00:00November 2, 2020|Coffee with Lazarus|3 Comments


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