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So far Bob Weber has created 107 blog entries.

A Father Counsels His Son on Rhetoric, Part II

A Father Counsels His Sons How to Use Rhetoric in Family Life Part II DEFINING POLICY AND TERMS Another area of the use of rhetoric is what the Roman orator Cicero called discussions about policy or the deliberative discussion. One domestic policy in our house concerned cleaning your rooms. Your [...]

By |2023-11-08T16:07:37+00:00November 8, 2023|Blog, Words Dr Blog|0 Comments

Mr. Hyde Just Won’t Go Away!

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. His novel tells the story of a good doctor who was transformed into the mysterious and evil Mr. Hyde by ingesting a strange potion. Little did Stevenson know that his novel would spawn a name descriptive of [...]

By |2023-11-04T01:25:10+00:00November 4, 2023|The Lazarus Chronicles Articles, TLC|0 Comments

A Father Counsels His Son on the Uses of Rhetoric

During my years as a minister, I often did premarital counseling. I liked it because I believe in strong marriages, and one good way to build them is to counsel young couples about what makes a marriage work. I spent a lot of time on communication: how to get your [...]

By |2023-10-31T21:17:09+00:00October 31, 2023|Blog, Words Dr Blog|0 Comments

Cicero: Integrity in Public Speaking

Among the many ancient masters of rhetoric in the Roman orator, Marcus Tullius Cicero. He was a lawyer and statesman during the days when Rome transitioned from a republic of laws to a dictatorship under the Caesars. He lived from 106 to 43 BC, and wrote extensively on rhetoric, philosophy, [...]

By |2023-10-26T20:48:23+00:00October 26, 2023|Blog, Words Dr Blog|0 Comments

Witnesses for the Defense (of Christianity)

A number of years ago, while working in my garage, I accidentally splashed a chemical in my eyes. My eyes weren't seriously damaged, and in the emergency room a nurse washed my eyes out. Nothing serious happened from it; unless you realize what an opportunity I was given. Once the [...]

By |2023-10-24T18:49:23+00:00October 24, 2023|The Lazarus Chronicles Articles, TLC|0 Comments

Assertions Are Not Arguments: William Wilberforce Provides Reasons for His Proposal

When I taught one of my writing classes, the students were required to write an argument paper. However, many of them could not differentiate between an argument and an assertion or statement. An article in Salvo Magazine demonstrated that even some textbooks can't tell the difference (here). An assertion is [...]

By |2023-10-20T22:44:51+00:00October 20, 2023|Blog, Words Dr Blog|0 Comments

God and Churchill: One Man’s Fight to Save Civilization

Those who know me know that I encourage people to read. Informed Christians are more able to defend their faith and deepen their understanding of the times we live in. With that in mind, I recommend God and Churchill. Written by Churchill's great-grandson, Jonathan Sandys, and journalist Wallace Henley, the [...]

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – Motivated by Christian Faith

In last week's post on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, I could have used a quote from Albert Einstein but decided it would be relevant also for this week. “Having always been a partisan of freedom, I turned to the Universities, as soon as the revolution broke out in Germany, to find the [...]

By |2023-10-06T20:56:55+00:00October 6, 2023|The Lazarus Chronicles Articles, TLC|0 Comments

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Resistance to Tyranny

If you've heard the phrase, “cheap grace,” you know something about the one who made it famous, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He coined the phrase in his book, The Cost of Discipleship. As he looked at the churches in Nazi Germany, he found many that relied on the grace of God but [...]

By |2023-09-28T16:59:12+00:00September 28, 2023|The Lazarus Chronicles Articles, TLC|0 Comments

Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech

Great speeches have always been one of the mediums that disseminate information, provide guidance, and mark seminal moments in history. Histories of ancient cultures often provide speeches to help understand the issues in wars and other significant events. Think of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus' most important description of Christian [...]

By |2023-09-22T22:59:18+00:00September 22, 2023|Blog, Words Dr Blog|0 Comments


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